Known issues #

Database errors #

Did you do a build?

It is known that the final index might throw a MySQL Exception. This is expected at the moment, and sadly, unavoidable so far. If you have a solution, we would love to hear from you!

Linux hosts #

There is a known issue with Linux hosts where Solr does not have the correct write permissions, and the web user does not have the correct write permissions either.

This can be resolved by setting the folder of your Solr Core to /var/solr/data.

Then, create the following subfolders in the data folder:

Then, add the solr user to the apache group (or www-data) And the other way around, add apache to solr.

Change the ownership of the whole YourCoreName folder to solr:apache.

Change the permissions on YourCoreName/conf to be 777.

This should, in theory, resolve your permission errors.

These errors are not related to this module, but on how Vagrant is set up on Linux.


The name of your web user could be different, so make sure you get it right. After updating the group permissions, be sure to log out and back in again.

Solr and permission issues #

It’s also known that Solr won’t properly reload cores when the permissions are wrong. This is outside of control for this module, it is advised to restart Solr before and after a config change.

The best way to set the permissions, is to execute the following commands on the Solr target folder (Default /var/solr).

usermod -a -G www-data solr
groups solr
usermod -a -G solr www-data
groups www-data
chown -R solr:www-data /var/solr
chmod -R u+rwxs,g+rwxs /var/solr

Replace www-data with your own web user.

Solr is running as the wrong user #

For yet unknown reasons, even after following the Solr installation guide, it may happen that Solr runs as the wrong user.

If this happens, the best course of action is to stop Solr and start it with the correct user: cd /opt/solr-8.3.1 && sudo -u solr ./bin/solr start

Where 8.3.1 should reflect your current Solr version. Or, if you’ve allowed Solr to create symlinks, the path could be /opt/solr.

Facets do not show anymore since the latest version #

Yep, the XML switched to non-deprecated options, which causes facets and filters to not work properly anymore. Please re-index your Solr Core; vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/SolrConfigureTask flush=all followed by vendor/bin/sake dev/tasks/SolrIndexTask from terminal is the most efficient way.

This is caused by a deprecated change in the Integer field on Solr level and can not be fixed in any other way.

Localhost? #

Yes, for now, the config requires the host’s name to be localhost. This is not exactly by choice, but due to how Solarium works. Stay tuned for updates.

My config is written to the wrong folder (.solr) #

This is probably due to an older version of this module that had this bug. Please upgrade.

I can’t get it to work on Live or UAT #

We’re very sorry, but deployments of Solr differ so much per deployment, that we can’t give any solid advice.

The best answer right now is following these steps:

Some groups give an error about P or G #

Yes, a head-scratcher! Re-run that specific group SolrIndexTask group={Group Number} and all should be fine.

Sometimes, for an unknown reason, the POST or GET part of the request string is included in the XML that is sent to Solr.

To no avail, no solution worked #

If it is related to the module, and not related to actual permissions or other server set-up issues, and you can not make a public issue, you can contact us at


Please note that we may charge you for investigating and helping solve your issues. This module is FOSS, but our time is not unlimited and we may feel an issue is not worth the effort unless we get paid for our time.

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