Boost queries #

Boosting can be done at both Index time, if the configuration supports it, or at Query time.

To boost a certain query at Query time (easiest), use the following syntax:

    $query->addBoostedField('Field_Name', $value);

Where $value is the boosting value. The default value is 1.0, anything below that will decrease the relevance, anything above increases it.

Boosting a single term out of a set #

To boost a single term specifically, or on a specific field, you can use the following:

$query->addTerm('My search terms', ['Fields', 'To', 'Boost', 'On'], $value);

Where the array of fields should not be empty. $value is the amount of boosting that should be applied to the fields in the array, for example $value = 2 will mean that results are treated as twice as relevant.

This executes a global search for the term, followed by a boosting for each field in the field array with a boost status of $value.

Note that the boosted fields do need to be added as a boosted field at Configure time.

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