title: Templating and styling #

Basic usage #

<% loop Links %>
<% end_loop %>
<% loop Links %>
<% end_loop %>


<% loop Links %>
<% end_loop %>
<% loop Links %>
<% end_loop %>

Define a custom style. #

This will apply a css class and render a custom template if it exists. The example below will look for Link_button.ss in the includes directory.

<% loop Links %>
<% end_loop %>

Custom template #

<% loop Links %>
    <% if LinkURL %>
        <a href="{$LinkURL}"{$TargetAttr}{$ClassAttr}>
    <% end_if %>
<% end_loop %>

Template variables #

$LinkURL #

Returns the URL of the link.

$TargetAttr #

Returns the html target attribute. target='_blank' or null

$Target #

Returns the html target attribute value. _blank or null

$IDAttr #

Returns the html id attribute. id='my-custom-id' or null

$IDValue #

Returns the html id value.

Refer to Add html id attribute for more information

$ClassAttr #

Returns the html class attribute. class='my-custom-id' or null

$Class #

Returns the html class value.

Refer to CMS Selectable Style for more information

Linking Modes #

Linking mode variables are also available any sitetree link. Refer to Linking Modes for more information

Define a custom style via the template #

This will apply a css class and render a custom template if it exists. The example below will look for Link_button.ss in the includes directory.

<% loop Links %>
<% end_loop %>

CMS Selectable styles / style variants #

You can offer CMS users the ability to select from a list of styles, allowing them to choose how their Link should be rendered. To enable this feature, register them in your site config.yml file as below:

    button: Description of button template # applies button class and looks for Link_button.ss template
    iconbutton: Description of iconbutton template # applies iconbutton class and looks for Link_iconbutton.ss template